Nature Therapy

We started our volunteering this week at our local nature park.  We will be putting out bird seed at all the feeding stations once a week and checking the trails for obstructions.  The Boys were so excited to get out there for our first day, even though it was pouring down rain.  Unfortunately, I forgot the camera, so I have no pictures - but it was a great morning.  One of the adult volunteers took us around, showing us where they keep the seed and where all the feeding stations are.  The boys worked diligently to clean out and refill all the feeders and bird baths.  Afterwards, the staff made us some hot chocolate to thank us for coming out in the rain (they really didn't expect us to show up).  We sat in the rockers on the back porch of the Nature Center and watched the forest while we enjoyed our warm drinks.  Afterwards, the boys wanted to go in and watch the birds who came to the feeders through the observation window in the Nature Center, so we spent a half-hour identifying the birds.

They were so excited about their new bird-watching skills that they wanted to get a new feeder to put out on our back porch.  Now birdwatching is their new favorite activity.  This morning, they spent 45 minutes staring out our back door and recording all the different birds who came to visit our feeder.

Now, for those of you who don't know the Boys, let me just explain to you what a miracle this is.  These are two boys who "can't sit still", "can't stop distracting other students" and "who have trouble concentrating".  Yet here they are, sitting still and quietly, identifying and logging birds.  Amazing.

Later, we took our lunch to the park and hiked up to the observation platform where the Boys indulged in their other new favorite hobby: whittling.  They are both working on walking sticks.

I can see such a difference in the boys already.  In only one month, Boy1 has lost 10 pounds and stopped having the headaches he had 3-4 times a week when he was in school.  They are both much less focused on video games and popular music and their interests are starting to expand.

We have started several other new things this week - meditation, for one and using our new pedometers to track our daily exercise.  I hope to get a post up soon showing some of the books and other resources we are using.


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