The Beginning

We finally took the leap!  After several years of frustration with the public school system and many years of wondering why both my boys hated school so much, I finally quit my job and pulled the boys out of school.  Our experience in public schools has been mixed, at best.  My boys were lucky - we got a lottery slot at one of the best elementary schools in the county.  They have both had wonderful teachers - caring, experienced and so willing to work with us on any issue that came up.  So many of them were so inventive, working within the curriculum to give the children hands-on experiences.  And yet, it was a daily struggle to get the boys to school and to get their homework done.

I know...boys who don't want to go to school and don't want to do their homework.  What's new about that?  But then I started to question, why does it have to be that way?  My boys are naturally very curious and love learning about stuff at home.  They are voracious readers (when it's not an assignment).  Why does school have to be so different?

Part of the problem is just being boys.  My boys are active, antsy, silly and talkative.  All things that don't go over well when someone is trying to herd 25 students along on the same lesson.  My boys are distracting to others.  They can't sit still for very long.  And they need breaks and recess.  Desperately.  They need physical activity.  They are an unstoppable force; and, unfortunately, schools have become an unmovable object.

What if there was a way that they could learn without being made to feel like they could never do anything right?  What if it were ok to bounce and jump around while listening to a story?  What if you could write about what interested you?  What if you were allowed to follow your own passions?  We plan to find out.


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